Luis María Cobos Rodríguez, Esperanza Mata Almonte y Jorge-Juan Ramírez León
Within the limits of the urban area: the surroundings of the hermitage of Santa Clara of El Puerto de Santa Maria.
9-50 (PDF)
Mercedes García Pazos
Background, monumental plan and stylistic considerations of the Bull Ring of El Puerto de Santa Maria (1880).
51-98 (PDF)
Diego Ruiz Mata
Pottery Production at the Phoenician Colony of Castillo de Doña Blanca (El Puerto de Santa María, Spain) c. 750-550 BCE.
101-108 (PDF)
Ana Becerra Fabra
“Sacar en letra clara”: the copies of Isidro Ceballos Zarzosa..
by Pablo Ruiz Fernández
Mª del Mar Villalobos Chaves
Four stone roses History of the Fleming family and of their main houses, first electricity factory of El Puerto de Santa María.
by Antonio Gutiérrez Ruiz
Mª del Carmen Cebrián González
Contributions to the historical study of the Colegio de San Luis Gonzaga of El Puerto de Santa María.
by VV.AA