Jesús Montero Vítores
The Balbi and Portus Gaditanus.
9-34 (PDF)
José-Manuel Moreno Arana
Ignacio López in the context of sculpture in El Puerto de Santa María during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
39-65 (PDF)
Manuel Pacheco Albalate
New contributions to the Lisbon earthquake of 1775 in the city of El Puerto de Santa María: municipal relations and the opuscule by José de Santa Cruz Vela y Curtido.
67-120 (PDF)
Mercedes García Pazos
Guadalete, the river of forgetfulness, the forgotten river.
by Carmen Cebrián González
María del Mar Villalobos Chaves
The statue of Jesús de los Afligidos of El Puerto de Santa María: a seventeenth-century Guatemalan work.
by Francisco González Luque y José-Manuel Moreno Arana
Javier Maldonado Rosso
The Soberbio. Wreck and rescue of a ship in the eighteenth century.
by Genoveva Enríquez Macías y Victoria Stapells Johnson
Juan-José Iglesias Rodríguez
An approach to the profile of the foreign officer in the Spanish army in the Bourbon period: the early training of Lieutenant General Alejandro O’Reilly (1723-1794).
de Óscar Recio Morales