Juan-José Iglesias Rodríguez
Incursions of Christians into Barbary (fifteenth to sixteenth centuries). Peaceful and violent relations.
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Ester López Rosendo
Mexican indigenous ceramics in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz, Spain) dating from the first colonial contacts.
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Antonio Aguayo Cobo
The Casa de los Leones as an emblem of Cantabria in El Puerto de Santa María. An iconographic analysis of its façade.
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José-Antonio Ruiz Gil
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Lázaro-Gabriel Lagóstena Barrios
New light on the foundation, location, environmental impact, documentary sources, function and historical development of portus gaditanus. (Related articles)
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Ana Becerra Fabra
Bibliographical Dictionary of stone signs in Spain.
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The Winthuysens. First part. Tree generations of clerics, merchants and soldiers.
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Bernardo Rodríguez Caparrini
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